Oh my goodness I just realized that it has been over two weeks since I have posted anything on the blog. I am not sure where the time has gone. I truly apologize for not posting sooner.
So let me get you caught up from the last few weeks.
Two weekends ago I had my baby shower. Ladies at my church did a wonderful job of hosting my shower. The food was wonderful and the company was even better. We had a very good turn out. I have only been attending the church for less than a year. I was surprised to see so many ladies at my shower. It made me feel so welcome and accepted. Also a friend of mine drove in from Tulsa with her one year old girl to attend my shower. It was great to see them and spend some extra time with them.
Caleb started Fall Mother's Day Out this week. He is in the same room and has the same teacher he did this Summer. On the first day of Mother's Day Out he walked straight into the classroom and didn't even say goodbye.
Asher will not be going to Kindergarten in a brick and mortar public school this year. We have chosen to home-school him through a Public Charter School--entitled Epic One on One Charter School. Though Epic is technically a virtual school he will have very little work online. I was able to choose a curriculum that is very hands on and very early childhood friendly. Asher even has a teacher. Her main job is to assist me as I need. We will be in communication throughout the week and meet face to face once or twice a month. She will give me support and advice but at the end of the day the parents really get to make the "call." I love that I have support yet I still get to play the main role in his education. Asher is very excited that he will be learning at home with me. School starts September 6th (yes the day after Bethany is born) and we get to meet his teacher in person on Monday. I am very excited as well.
Though we are homeschooling I am planning for Asher to have tons of social interaction. Today we went to a home-school co-op. The home-school co-op consists of a PE and Music class. They are also going to start a Spanish and Bible History class. All of which are age appropriate. Asher loooved the co-op and behaved very well. I am excited to see how the co-op develops. We are also planning on enrolling him in soccer and a music group that he was involved in last year. Between those activities and his normal church activities (Children's Church, Sunday School, and Wednesday Church) he will be plenty busy. That is not even including normal play dates and outings.
Another exciting event that happened this week is that Asher is now in a twin sized big boy bed. We decked it out in Thomas bedding that was mainly provided by his Grammy Denise.
Hmmm....let me think what else has happened in the last few weeks. Nothing much really...just preparing for Bethany. We are working on cleaning the house and washing clothes for Bethany. I already packed her bag. I have not been experiencing any labor signs except for nesting. If she comes before September 5th we will for sure post it on the blog!
Here are some pictures of the boys I thought you might enjoy!
Asher and Caleb enjoy the new bed. |
Asher maxin' and relaxin.' |
Caleb maxin' and relaxin' too. |