We had a 5.6 earthquake here tonight. It was scary for us adults but the kids slept right through. I even picked up Bethany and she barely moved.
I know it was nothing compared to the Earthquake in Japan and it could have been 100% worse. Yet the Earthquake is just a reminder of my vulnerability and powerlessness. I do not have the control in my life I think I do. I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and surfing the internet, when I was literally shaken off of my feet. As humans we like to pretend that we our in control. We go to great lengths to believe and prove this.
Even though I am not in control of my life I know who is: The Lord the King of my life. He is my protector. My family and I are safe in his arms. I can rest in the knowledge that even though the world around us is shaky (literally tonight) He is our strong foundation. No matter what happens in my life I can rest in peace with the Lord.
I am praising the Lord for our safety and the safety of others in Oklahoma. I am thankful for the reminder of how out of control I am. Praise you Lord for being our rock in this very unsteady world!
I thank God that you and you're family and others in oklahoma are ok