Tuesday, August 9, 2011

OB Appointment Update: Bethany's Birthday!

This morning I had my OB appointment. It went very well. The pregnancy is still uneventful (I am happy about this). The only thing is that I have lost a little bit of weight. The Dr. said just as long as I am still eating and drinking he is not really concerned. But we will continue to watch my weight. It's just hard to eat so much when it is so hot outside. Takes much less for me to get full right now.
So now for the exciting news: I will be going into labor (figuratively speaking) on Labor Day!!! Unless Bethany decides she wants to arrive early. My c-section is scheduled for the 5th of September at 8:30am. The countdown begins!!!!
Blessings to you all,

Oh and Rebekah (my Sister) I will post the pictures of the Eeyore outfit this afternoon. I should probably get off of the computer and tend to my children! :)  



  1. Congrats!!! Did you all decide to keep Arthur? What a sweet looking pet he is!

  2. Thank you! We are very excited. We are still looking for a home for Arthur. He is VERY sweet. We would love to keep him--but not very practical. We just can't find him a home yet--and I am hesitant to put him on craigslist.

  3. I can't wait for bethany's arrival !
