Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lazy Saturday

I thought Caleb was playing upstairs.

Apparently Asher thinks he is old enough to make his own sandwiches.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bethany's First Turn

Bethany turned over today! Twice! Yay! I do not have a picture but will try to get one soon.
Just thought ya'll would like to know! :) 

Asher: Master Tower Builder

Asher has been spending a lot of time building with blocks and anything else that will make some sort of structure.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My New Favorite Show!

Once Upon A Time is soo great! It totally captures the imagination, keeps you guessing, stimulates the mind, and reminds us Princesses at heart that it is okay to believe in fairy-tales. Also since it is made by the creators of Lost there are a lot of Lost connections. Though I do not catch them because I have only seen the first season of Lost. There are also connections between Once Upon a Time and the classic Disney fairy-tales. I think it is so much fun to guess who is what storybook character and to look up information about other fun little "Easter eggs" that the producers have hidden in the show. If you are all about that like me--here's the link for you:
If this sounds like a fun show you can get other information and start watching the shows--here.
And before anyone asks--no I am not getting paid for this endorsement (sillies). I just think it is a swell show. I love how this show perfectly blends fairy-tales from my childhood and remakes it into something that intrigues my adult (or somewhat adult) intellect.
Also it is fairly clean. I definitely think it is cleaner than most shows out there. Though due to the evil queen it is a little bit dark in nature (a curse and such). Just to be safe I watch this after my kiddos have gone to bed. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bethany's 8 Week Appoitment!

On Tuesday I took Bethany to her 8 week appointment. Both the Dr. and I were surprised by her measurements. She is 12lbs and 24inches. This puts her in the75 percentile for weight and 95th for height. The boys have never been much above the 15th percentile so this was a pleasant surprise. Obviously Bethany is growing well and is very healthy. She has been more alert and starting to coo and smile. After three children I am still surprised how much a smile and a coo warms my heart. It is one of the best feelings ever.

I love my little family. I can't wait to see how all three of them grow and develop. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


We had a 5.6 earthquake here tonight. It was scary for us adults but the kids slept right through. I even picked up Bethany and she barely moved. 
I know it was nothing compared to the Earthquake in Japan and it could have been 100% worse. Yet the Earthquake is just a reminder of my vulnerability and powerlessness. I do not have the control in my life I think I do. I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and surfing the internet, when I was literally shaken off of my feet. As humans we like to pretend that we our in control. We go to great lengths to believe and prove this.
Even though I am not in control of my life I know who is: The Lord the King of my life. He is my protector. My family and I are safe in his arms. I can rest in the knowledge that even though the world around us is shaky (literally tonight) He is our strong foundation. No matter what happens in my life I can rest in peace with the Lord. 
I am praising the Lord for our safety and the safety of others in Oklahoma. I am thankful for the reminder of how out of control I am. Praise you Lord for being our rock in this very unsteady world!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Asher: Super Feeder

Asher jumped right into action as a big brother to Bethany. This picture was taken September 10th, five days after Bethany was born. Asher insisted on feeding her.

While he was feeding her he was watching Thomas. He still wanted to feed her but it was becoming a bit too much work while watching his favorite show. No worries: he improvised. Notice his hand lovingly placed on her head. So cute!!! He has been a good big brother from the start!

Bethany's First Day of Church!

September 18th was Bethany's first day at church. This is a picture of her outfit for her first day of church. I love dressing her up and putting bows in her hair!!! Thought you all would enjoy! 

Caleb: Tower Builder

I was upstairs getting ready. When I came downstairs my little trouble maker had gotten into the fridge, took all the yogurt cups, and brought them to the living room. He then built a tower. My Mommy instincts went, "Oh no!" But my child development instincts went, "What a great learning experience!"  Anyway, he may be a trouble maker but he sure is smart!

Asher: Sweet and Sour

Asher is such a good big brother to Bethany. He is her biggest protector. I just hope it continues when she gets to the "boyfriend" stage. 

His relationship with Caleb is a little different. They love each other dearly, but it is a love fitting of two boys. One second they are playing with each other and the next second they are beating each other up. 

Now Bethany adds a whole new dynamic to the mix. Asher's protective instincts of Bethany do not stop at Caleb. Here is a fun video that demonstrates exactly what I am talking about:
(I just realized the audio on this video is out. But even silent it is entertaining. He is singing Jesus loves me to his sister--but it's the actions that are so funny.)


Monday was a day of princesses, lady bugs, dinosaurs, angels, trains, and other fun characters. Our house was full of them! We had some friends come over for dinner and trick-or-treating afterwards. We had eight kids, five adults, two dogs, and one cat in our house. It was very busy, very crazy, and VERY fun. I love this kind of chaos.
Here are some pictures of that fun day:
The Gang!

Asher was Thomas of course!

Caleb was a dinosaur. This is a costume Asher wore a few years ago. I gave Caleb an option of being something different but he wanted to follow after brother

Here is my little Lady Bug pooped out from a long day of pumpkin patch and trick-or-treating fun.

Pumpkin Patch

On Halloween my friend Bonnie (who was visiting from Tulsa) and I took the kids to TG Farms Pumpkin Patch. We had sooo much fun! The kids were able to run through the haze maze and corn maze. They climbed up bales of hay and slid down slides that were put up on them. They carried pumpkins and pushed the pumpkins and Caleb in a wagon. Bethany was able to experience her first hay ride. There was also a petting zoo. I thought Caleb would love to pet the animals (since he is crazy about anything farm) but he was afraid of them and only watched the animals from a "safe" distance. It was a small pumpkin patch but we spent three hours there. It made for a busy Halloween but it was well worth it!