If you follow me on Facebook you know that today Asher, Caleb, and I leave for Chicago to see my sister for the Fourth of July. Adam is getting "left behind" to keep his nose to the grindstone and to conserve leave before Bethany comes. To be honest, I am not sure he minds. I think he likes a little bit of solitude now and again. Who can blame him?
Last night, as a final family outing before our trip, we went to pizza in Bricktown and walked the canal. It was VERY fun. I looooove Bricktown but never get down there enough. I realized that walking the canal would be a perfect activity, in the cooler summer mornings, for the kids. They loved walking along the water and watching all the ducks. We all had a very nice evening.
Now Asher is very excitied for his trip. The first things he wanted to do this morning was pack toys for the trip. Apparently he thought we were leaving first thing this morning. I wish we were but Caleb has an important Dr. appointment that we need to go to before we can leave. When he found out we weren't going to leave until this afternoon he got very upset. He is doing better now--but just a little disappointed. I am looking forward to our trip. The vacation will be nice.
I hope you all are well.
Love and blessings,
My life is a mess. It is unorganized and chaotic. No matter how I try I can not seem to fit it into a neat package. In truth I would not have it any other way. I love my life, I love my children, and my husband. Most importantly I love my Lord who takes this chaotic, crazy, unorganized life and makes it into a beautiful work of art. My life is A Beautiful Mess and I invite you to be apart of the mess.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Asher Singing--I'm a Promise
Asher loves music. He loves singing, loves listening to music, playing instruments, dancing, anything to do with music--he LOOOOVES MUSIC. To be honest I am not sure where he gets his musical inclinations from. Neither Dad or I are very musical. We both enjoy music--but that's about all.
Well anyway, Asher has a few favorite CD's that we listen to ALL the time. One of which is a Veggie Tales Worship Songs CD. One of his favorite songs on the CD is "I am a Promise." Today Asher sang the song very loud at Dunkin Donuts. Luckily the customers seemed to think it was cute and not annoying. After we got back in the car I thought I had better video tape him signing the song. I am sorry that quality of the video is not wonderful. Yet, Asher sure is cute (if I do say so myself).
Here are the lyrics to the song below. The bold lyrics are what Asher keeps singing.
I am a possibility
I am a promise with a capital "P"
I am a great big bundle of potentiality
And I am learnin' to hear God's voice
And I am tryin' to make the right choice
I am a promise to be anything God wants me to be.
I can go anywhere that He wants me to go
I can be anything He wants me to be
I can climb the high mountains
I can cross the wide sea
I'm a great big promise you see!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Cute Picture--I Had to Show it Off!!! :)
Asher and Jake cuddling!!! |
Hope you like it!!!
Father's Day and Update on Sick Kids.
Our Father's Day, as you could imagine, was low key. The kids were still recovering from not feeling well so we didn't do much. We did however venture out for a Father's Day breakfast at McDonald's. Later that evening we ordered in pizza and Adam and I watched X-men. I think Adam had a pretty good Father's Day. The day before he had a "guys" night with his friends--and sometimes that is the best gift I could give him.
I am very thankful for Adam and the type of father he is with our children. I praise God everyday that our children have an active and involved father in their lives. I think our children are very lucky to have a father who loves them as much as Adam does.
Here is a Father's Day poem I found on the internet. I actually used this before in some preschool classes I have taught.
Daddy, I love youFor all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too. You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile 'cause I love you
On this Father's Day.
Sick Kids Update:
Asher was feeling better by yesterday but I still wanted him to take it easy. Caleb still was not acting as well and ran a low grade fever towards the night. I took him to the Dr. first thing this am and he does have an ear infection. We started antibiotics this morning, so hopefully he will be feeling better soon.
Caleb has his first day of Mother's Day Out tomorrow. Since he will have been on antibiotics for 24hrs I might consider taking him. Yet we will wait to see how he feels tomorrow. I wouldn't take him if he has fever or is fussy.
I hope you all had a good weekend. Love and blessings,
Heather Misner
Saturday, June 18, 2011
New Van!!!!
As promised!!! Here is a blog about my van. We bought a used 2005 Kia Sedona with relatively low miles. It isn't too fancy but it is perfect for us! I really enjoy that it has rear air and heat for the kids in the back seats! I really need to figure out a name for our van. Maybe I will let the kids help choose the name.
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First day in the new van. Asher looves sitting in the back. |
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Sooo tired after a long day of play. |
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Asher too. |
Both of the kids loove the van. Asher keeps asking when Bethany is going to come so we can put her in the new van too. He is sad that he has to wait awhile.
I am especially excitied to take the van on our road trip to Chicago over Fourth of July weekend. I think it will help to make the trip more pleasant. Though more expensive since it uses more gas. Oh well. At least gas prices are kind of coming down.
Well at least now you have seen our newest family vehicle, especially bought to accommodate our newest family member.
My Two Sick Babies
My two sick kiddos. Caleb fell asleep watching TV--Asher is just vegging. |
Both kids are sick. Earlier today, after Caleb's nap, Caleb was acting very fussy and emotional. I felt him and he was warm. I took his temperature and sure enough he had a fever. The whole afternoon he followed me around crying and whimpering, wanting nothing more than me to hold him. For those of you who know my child--you know that this is not typical Caleb behavior.
Shortly after I figured out Caleb had a fever I was talking with Asher and I touched him. Yep. He was warm too. I took his temperature and he had a higher fever than Caleb! He wasn't acting like he was sick at all. The only thing that was odd is he just wanted to watch TV today and he didn't want to play at all. Earlier (before I knew he had a fever) I turned off the TV and told him to go play. He instead went upstairs to his bedroom, turned on his music, and rocked in his chair. After I realized he had a fever he started having some stomach issues.
I cancelled all of our plans for the day and I am letting them camp out in front of the TV. Normally when I let them watch TV they never stay on the couch but play while watching their show. Both of them have not left the couch since I have put them there. That alone tells me something is not right.
Right now I am monitoring their fever and other symptoms (stomach issues, congestion, runny nose) if they seem to get worse I will take them to urgent care. But right now I think rest and fluids will be fine. I also talked to my Aunt who is a nurse and she agreed that this plan of action is a good choice for now.
This is just weird for me. This is the first time they have been sick at the same time. Oh well they really are good patients.
Asher has been interested in all types of science/nature type things--and he really wanted to see real water falls. So we were going to take them to Turner Water Falls tomorrow for Father's Day. I am thinking we are going to have to wait another week for that trip to occur.
Anyway I hope you all have a fun and healthy Father's Day weekend.
Love and Blessings,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Update and Random Pictures
The Misner family is doing well. Nothing too exciting has been happening which probably explains the lack of posts as of late.
Our summer has been filled with library visits, swimming, friends, and VBS. It has been keeping us busy.
Asher's EEG is not scheduled until August. So far we haven't seen any other seizure like episodes. Yet, I am thankful the test is scheduled.
I haven't been doing a great job of taking photos lately. So I thought I would post some random pictures that we have taken over the last year or so. Hope you enjoy.
We love to play at McDonalds |
Caleb is such a big boy. He has been able to climb up the play area at McDonald's before he could even walk. |
Asher at music class. Photo taken in December |
Asher and Lana after music class reading a princess book. Sally decided to join in on the fun. Photo taken in December. |
Caleb playing at daycare. This was probably taken in late August 2010. |
Caleb just being cute. Photo taken December of 2010. |
Friday, June 10, 2011
Misner Family Update!
I can't believe it has been a week since I have last posted. Time sure flies when you are chasing around two kids.
Actually to be honest I had a little break from them this week. But I was soo tired that I barely mustered up enough energy to clean house. After that I enjoyed in napping and reading. I didn't even pick up my crochet needle!!! I thought I would watch some movies but I didn't even have enough motivation to sit through a movie. It was nice to have a little break from the kids but it was even nicer to have them home again.
This week Asher went to a VBS at local church up north. He attended the VBS with his friend Illana. It seems that they had fun.
Caleb is sure talking a lot. He is mimicking almost anything you say. He is also putting together a lot of two word sentences. Pretty soon he will talk almost as much as I do! :)
Bethany is growing well. I am 27 weeks today. She sure has strong kicks. Caleb's kicks were never very strong--so this is a change. Yet a change that I enjoy.
Adam and I bought a van yesterday from a local dealer. Now we will be ready in September when Bethany comes. Asher and Caleb sure enjoy their new vehicle. I will commit a whole post to the van with pictures either today or tomorrow.
The only other somewhat interesting news is that we think Asher may have had a seizure yesterday. We are not sure as neither I or Adam was there when it may have occurred. His VBS teachers reported that he was slurring his speech and walking funny during class time. After VBS he was VERY tired and took a long nap. Asher being tired after VBS isn't that odd but the long nap and the lethargy he was showing was a little unusual for him. Though we don't think Asher has ever had a seizure before we are very cautious since with his Septo Optic Dysplasia he can get seizures at anytime. Due to this I called the neurologist yesterday and she scheduled an EEG (is that name of the test correct?) or whatever is needed to help determine if he has been having seizures. I am thinking he probably isn't having them but I would rather be safe than sorry. Once he takes his test and we find out the results I will let you all know. Again I am not very worried but would rather be cautious. Yet any prayer would be appreciated.
I will try to get another post with pictures up very soon. I am thinking about taking the kids swimming today and I may even try to get some video to post up here soon.
Hope you all had a good week and have a great weekend,
Actually to be honest I had a little break from them this week. But I was soo tired that I barely mustered up enough energy to clean house. After that I enjoyed in napping and reading. I didn't even pick up my crochet needle!!! I thought I would watch some movies but I didn't even have enough motivation to sit through a movie. It was nice to have a little break from the kids but it was even nicer to have them home again.
This week Asher went to a VBS at local church up north. He attended the VBS with his friend Illana. It seems that they had fun.
Caleb is sure talking a lot. He is mimicking almost anything you say. He is also putting together a lot of two word sentences. Pretty soon he will talk almost as much as I do! :)
Bethany is growing well. I am 27 weeks today. She sure has strong kicks. Caleb's kicks were never very strong--so this is a change. Yet a change that I enjoy.
Adam and I bought a van yesterday from a local dealer. Now we will be ready in September when Bethany comes. Asher and Caleb sure enjoy their new vehicle. I will commit a whole post to the van with pictures either today or tomorrow.
The only other somewhat interesting news is that we think Asher may have had a seizure yesterday. We are not sure as neither I or Adam was there when it may have occurred. His VBS teachers reported that he was slurring his speech and walking funny during class time. After VBS he was VERY tired and took a long nap. Asher being tired after VBS isn't that odd but the long nap and the lethargy he was showing was a little unusual for him. Though we don't think Asher has ever had a seizure before we are very cautious since with his Septo Optic Dysplasia he can get seizures at anytime. Due to this I called the neurologist yesterday and she scheduled an EEG (is that name of the test correct?) or whatever is needed to help determine if he has been having seizures. I am thinking he probably isn't having them but I would rather be safe than sorry. Once he takes his test and we find out the results I will let you all know. Again I am not very worried but would rather be cautious. Yet any prayer would be appreciated.
I will try to get another post with pictures up very soon. I am thinking about taking the kids swimming today and I may even try to get some video to post up here soon.
Hope you all had a good week and have a great weekend,
Friday, June 3, 2011
Bethany's Cute Outfits and Trust in the Lord!!!
When I was pregnant with Caleb I was nervous. I was afraid we were going to have a repeat of the previous two pregnancies. I was so nervous in fact that I became superstitious and I was very careful not to "jinx" the pregnancy (totally not putting faith in God by the way). I would not buy anything for him until later in the pregnancy. I talk about Caleb's arrival as if it was only a possibility. I would say, "If the baby comes..." The further past 24 weeks I moved the more I loosened up. I also realized that living in fear was not living in faith. I eventually chose to trust God and not my superstitious inclinations and fear.
With Bethany it is different. I am saying, "When Bethany arrives..." I am trusting that God will do a good work regardless of what the outcome of the pregnancy. I know with the Lord I have nothing to fear. Due to this, I have already collected a box of clothes for her. Granted the box of clothes is mainly due to the generosity of friends and family who could not help picking up clothes for a girl. After five years of buying boy clothes I think most everyone in my support circle is excitied to be buying pink dresses. I have only bought her a few cute outfits that were on major clearance. Mainly because I am cheap. Also most stores mainly have summer clothes out right now. As Bethany will be born mainly in the fall we need mainly fall clothes. I also know that even the sleep and plays that are out now will most likely go on clearance before Bethany is born. See, I am cheap.
So in celebration of my new found peace, here are a few photos of some of Bethany's outfit (also also a stuffed animal I picked up). I looove everything has been given to her. All of the clothes are just too cute. Yet if I were to post everything you might all get bored. So I thought I would share a few items I particularly loove.
Here is what we have been blessed with so far. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. |
Thank you Mylie for the VERY cute monkey sleep and play. She will look beautiful in her outfit. I also like the other cute outfits you got her! Thanks again! |
Grami Denise got Bethany a whole bunch of cute onesies. I particularly loove these Little Sister onesies. Especially the pink and brown one. I loove anything pink and brown. |
It even has a ruffle bottom!!! As Adam will testify, I loove ruffle bottoms. He doesn't understand. |
Here is the cutest pink and brown giraffe I bought for Bethany at JC Penny. It plays music! |
Thank you for indulging me and letting me show off all the cute things for Bethany. Adam does not understand what the excitement is about. He keeps saying, "I am a guy. We don't care about dresses and ruffle bottoms." Well good thing I have a blog family that will at least indulge me in my excitement. Yet in fairness to Adam he still doesn't mind if I show him the clothes--he just doesn't get very excited.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Memorial Day Fun and a Memorial Day Tribute
Our Memorial Day was relaxing. Just the way I like it. It was filled with a NCIS marathon and children playing happily.
Our friend Illana came over to play with us while her mother was at work. Here are some pictures of our day.
We thought it would be fun to take the kids to the base swimming pool.
As soon as we got there it was "break time" for the kids in the swimming pool. So we had to wait 15 mins. before we could get in.
Ilana is going to be a super model when she grows up. She poses for the camera all the time. |
Before we knew it the break was over and water fun could begin!
Daddy and Caleb exploring the water. |
Ilana, Asher, and Adam played a rousing game of dive sticks.
All good fun must come to an end. Time to go home.
Asher waiting for everyone else to get ready to go home. |
After we got home we ate dinner. Then Adam took Asher and Ilana outside to ride on Asher's new scooter before bedtime. Caleb didn't get to join in the fun because it was already his bedtime. Poor Cay Cay.
It would not seem right to end a Memorial Day post without giving tribute to the troops, past and present, that have worked to keep the freedoms we enjoy. It is so easy to criticize our troops. It is so easy to condemn them and label them "violent monsters." Yet these men and women, and their families, live with the reality that at any day and any moment they might be called to leave there families, work unbearable shifts, under unbearable conditions, with the knowledge that they might never see their families again. These "monsters" miss birthdays, holidays, and special events so that we may continue to enjoy those same occasions with our families. We the right to say we do not believe in the military on principal. Yet without them committing to serve in same branch of government we disagree with, we may not be able enjoy such rights.
I will now step off my soap box. Instead, I will raise my glass of sparkling cider and make a toast:
Here's to the men and women, past and present, who have served our country with honor and dignity. Who have faced trials and tribulations beyond our imagination so we may enjoy freedoms that we take for granted every day. Cheers.
It wouldn't be a holiday post without me posting a poem I found from the internet for that holiday.
They Keep Us Free
by Roger Robicheau
In time of need their will is sure
American, their freedom pure
American, their freedom pure
Protect our life and liberty
Unselfishly, they keep us free
Unselfishly, they keep us free
Each soldier knows what is at stake
The risk is grave, there’s no mistake
The risk is grave, there’s no mistake
With pride they serve our country strong
They face each foe to come along
They face each foe to come along
Remember them while in your home
Or where you choose to freely roam
Or where you choose to freely roam
Don’t take for granted what you see
Some left this life, so it could be
Some left this life, so it could be
To God I urge you all to pray
For soldier’s brave, to face each day
For soldier’s brave, to face each day
We should be thankful, one and all
For those who march to meet each call
For those who march to meet each call
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